The Morality of Capitalism (India Edition)

Tom Palmer has edited a remarkable series of essays which bring together some of the best thinking about the ethical dimension of the market. I am honoured to be invited to contribute to this debate through this foreword.
- Gurcharan Das, Author, Commentator, Public Intellectual
Social Change & Public Policy (LSS Series 7)

What is public policy? A public policy is basically a law or rule that is enforced by any level of government, whether central, state, or local. Our activist judiciary also makes public policy: that all public transport in Delhi must run on CNG, for example, was a Supreme Court decree.
Agenda for Change : Action Plan for the Economy

Jointly published with the Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies, it provides a set of policy solutions for various areas from education to financial markets.
Taming Leviathan: Waging the War of Economic Ideas Around the World

This volume draws on the experiences of thirteen authors involved in classical liberal think tanks in different parts of the world. The contributors identify the strategies that have proved successful in influencing the public policy and explain how they can be adapted to local circumstances.
Economic Freedom of the World 2004

Indian edition of the Economic Freedom of the World 2004. Originally published by The Fraser Institute in Vancouver, Canada in association with more than fifty liberal think tanks around the world.
Morality of Markets

Morality of Markets presents a unique compilation of essays by distinguished economists, ethicists, and theologians that explores the moral and ethical foundations of the free market. The essay comprehensively address critical issues ranging from the underlying ethics of voluntary exchange, morality in commerce and corporation, the immorality of state intervention, and the role of markets in the teaching of major world religions. Read review of this book at Bihar Diary.
Theoretical Vision: B R Shenoy

A collection of Professor BR Shenoy's popular writings challenging the Indian socialist system and his theoretical contributions in two volumes.
Profiles in Courage: Dissent on Indian Socialism

A compendium on the lone voices of liberalism and economic freedom, including those of Minoo Masani, Rajaji, N G Ranga, B R Shenoy, Piloo Mody, Khasa Subba Rau and A D Shroff during the era of socialist command.